Monday, 6 December 2010

i was stumped for something to add to my advertise " seed bomb " thing i had going 
i like the way these types of advertise poster use photography in a clever way , heres some examples ill 
hope to get some shots taken soon i think with the inclusion of my seed bomb logo and 
caption they could work pretti well ! :) 

Ad campaign for Art Directors Club Young Guns Hungary, made by DDB in Hungary

i really love this , ok in a non perverted way of course haha , i just i like it cause its clever 

heres some of the poster designs i have came up with :

not sure but i do like  them ! :P

These below are a series , working from top to bottom , not quite fin yet tho :

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Guerrilla gardening postamesters !!!

found some really awesom and hmm not so awesom examples of guerilla gardening posters on the net , take a glance ! : 

awesom :)

Not so Awesom :( 

i personally like and believe i will go towards in my designs the more illustrative style : 

because of further research , ive decided as advertising is the way im heading with the " whats your living city "   maybe a short editorial piece with few facts on seed bombing etc , this idea was inspired by my own lack of knowledge on the subject when i first heard and also the response it got from other members of my class when i mentioned it in a seminar 

ok quick update on what i found now off to work  :)