Saturday, 13 November 2010


woooow , i think maybe i went a little far with this one lol , got in touch with people behind the greenaid vending machines and they got in touch , they seem like realy nice ppl and gave me great info on possibly making the machines available in the uk ! seed bombing is really begining to interest me now !

heres the rather lovely mail they sent , thanks Kim and Danny :)

Hi Michelle -
It was good to hear from you - thank you for your kind words and support!  We would love to bring the machines over to the UK - we have started to place a few over there in Europe (Austria and Italy).  Hopefully more will follow soon.  Good luck with school and your final project - cities certainly need more greenery!

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Kim, Danny, + Commonstudio

Hi Michelle!
Thanks so much for your email and interest in the Greenaid system, I'm glad you like the idea, and we are really excited to work with you.  To get a conversation started, I've attached some more info as a pdf, please let me know if you have any questions. With your purchase or rental of a machine from us, you get everything you need to start vending, (including a full fill of 300 seedbombs, which you sell for 1 pound each in the UK).   We will also feature your location on our website and supply you with as many seedbombs as you need in the future.  Keep in mind that in addition to being an amenity for the community and an interesting conversation piece, Greenaid machines are capable of paying for themselves very quickly and can become great fund raising tools if placed in a high traffic area. 
Take a look and let us know if you have any further questions.  As you will also see, we also can provide seedbombs separately from the machines for special events, gifts, giveaways, retail sales, etc. Keep in touch, we'd love to make this happen in your area!
I was thinking maybe i could use this in some way in my project ??? still confused atm , but mybe the tut this week will help ! :) 

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