I love black and white photography ! I think there is something more effective about a nice black and white shot rather than a coloured one . I have never been hugely interested in photography , as i never felt i had the eye for it , but with this project i believe i have now found a a new interest and something that i hope to develop over time is are my skills in this medium .
I have been doing alot of research into some well known photographers who shoot most in black and white have a look at a few that ive found below :
Known as the master of the candid photograph , Eisenstaedt to me is most definitely ! Ive seen some of his most famous work before and i mean its iconic , black and white at its best :)
V-J day in times square
the sailor kissing the nurse :)
is famous the world over , and i personally just think its great , not just the medium but the whole thing the expression and the movement depicted in it .
Its become so famous that there's even a statue of it in San Diego
some other of Eisenstaedts work is also great such as
"Premiere at La Scala, Milan," 1933
I really like this one as i feel there is a pattern created and there is a nice texture to the photograph
i love the movement in this particular one lol , big hands for the guy balancing the tray !
odd composition but works well and is interesting to look at .
Eisenstaedt has stated that photography was an adventure and that he was amazed when anything actually came out - i think that was that i was exactly the same , having no real knowledge in it , but i like my shots they may not have the most unusual or as interesting of compositions but they work pretty well .
Ansel Adams
Ok !
there were a few , ( no names ) who have a rather dim view on Ansel Adams , and i will say that im not a huge fan of his choice of subjects etc but i do love his use of black and white so he had to get a mention ;
i mean just look at the contrast in this shot , its stunning the clouds are immense and there is a nice feeling
about this shot , a feeling like as if your going somewhere , or time , the journey of life etc . I think it can be
percieved by many in alot of different ways actually
again the light on the mountains is beautiful , just to capture light like this would be amazing , and enhanced by the use of black and white , Adams style ive heard it been called "Pretty Pictures" by some lol , may not please everyone but you cant argue of his quality of shots this guy had talent !
as the time that was in it made it impossible for Adams to shoot in colour , i dont think this in anyway prohibited him , as you can see in this shot above i just loooove it , look at how the lights and darks have been captured , obviously here his lack of a digital camera aided him !