this guy is amazing , i first got introduced to his wonderful work in 1st year by robin in a Graphic design project . Ta v much robin :)
Anyway i then came to know more about him and really began taking an interest in his photography .
The ones that impressed me the most are the views from the balconies , the angles and view from above add so much to a shot theire different and extremely interesting .
Woman with a Baby Carriage
i think Rodchenko phil was that More important though than the view of a balcony was the view from one .
Which in a sense makes lot of to me .
Alexander Rodchenko
On the telephone
On the telephone
not sure of the exact angle of this one balcony or no balcony , but i love it !
Alexander Rodchenko
Courtyard on Myasnicka-Street
Courtyard on Myasnicka-Street
Alexander Rodchenko
Gathering for the demonstration
in the courtyard of the VChUTEMAS
(Higher Institute of Technics and Art)
Gathering for the demonstration
in the courtyard of the VChUTEMAS
(Higher Institute of Technics and Art)
this is a particular favourite of mine , i love how the people are so small like little specks the guys at the front almost form a little pattern in the one below
Alexander Rodchenko
To the demonstration
To the demonstration
Alexander Rodchenko
Working with an orchestra
strange place for an orchestra ???
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